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25 Comforting 2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes For Remembrance

Two years have passed since the death of a loved one. Today is their death anniversary. The pain of grief is resurfacing. At this moment, these 2-year death anniversary quotes can be of help.

They allow you to feel those emotions deeply. You can use them to pay your respect to your loved one. They also help you remember them in a positive way.

Words of comfort on the anniversary of death are what one needs to hear from their family or friends to calm down the whirlwind of the emotions they’re going through.

And all the below-mentioned 2 year death anniversary quotes carry the waves of compassion and love that your near and dear ones need from you or maybe you, yourself are in need of them to ease the grieving pain.2-Year-Death-Anniversary-Quotes


2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes 

#1. It’s been 2 years since we’ve lost our favourite person with whom we thought to spend our entire lives. Life is truly short!

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes 


#2. We’ve been mourning your loss for two years, and the only thing that relieves us is knowing your soul is resting in peace.

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes 


#3. Who knew that day, two years ago, was the last day I’d hear you laughing, and talking? If I had known I’d have captured every moment in my heart.

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes 


#4. Nothing in this world prepares you for the passing away of your loved ones; two years ago I lost my lifemate and I’m still drowning deep somewhere in misery.

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes 


#5. On this 2 year death anniversary, I dare say time doesn’t heal sorrow or make the grieving loss any easier; but it makes us realise we can do nothing about having lost someone special forever.

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes 


#6. 2 years have passed yet no wise words, no kind actions can make me not feel this heart-wrenching pain; I still can’t believe I’ve lost you forever.


#7. Death is inevitable and one doesn’t realise it till they lose someone close to them and find themselves completely helpless; not being able to change anything about it.


#8. It’s been 2 years since I’ve had any heart-to-heart conversation with anyone because the only person who could open the gateway of my heart and psyche is in heaven.

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes 


#9. Never ever have I thought of facing such a nightmare every waking day. Life without you feels terrible and empty but I hope in some realms above, I’ll meet you.


#10. It’s your 2-year death anniversary, and I’m feeling the pain somewhere so deep in my chest and yet so hollow inside just like I did when I was near your deathbed.

Read: 1 year death-anniversary quotes

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes For Friend

#1. Losing a friend like you made my world crumble and my heart tremble with sorrow, misery and fear and your 2-year death anniversary, my friend, makes me die inside all over again.

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes For Friend


#2. I wish this date didn’t exist on my calendar, that you’d not be dead. We’d then be living the best but sadly your 2-year death anniversary is here to make me feel grieving pain again.


#3. Friends like you live in memories forever and only the happiest ones. Even after having left this planet two years ago, our past doesn’t fail to bring a smile to my face.


#4. So, it’s your two-year death anniversary and here I’m completely not in the right mindset to speak my heart as both, my mind and heart are weakened by either the beautiful memories or terrible pain.


#5. Only if you would stop coming into my dreams to ghost me, I’ll shed a few tears on your two-year death anniversary otherwise, the world doesn’t need to know how miserable I’m without you.

See: Remembering Dad on His Death Anniversary

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes For Dad

#1. Today, I take a moment on my late father’s two year death anniversary, to say that he is to be forever remembered and missed by me and my family and our love shall never cease.

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes For Dad


#2. Dear Dad, nothing is the same without you, I fall apart twice a day and I miss you not being here to lecture me but then also pumping me up. I miss you.


#3. Dearest Father, on your 2nd death anniversary, I want to tell you that I seek your blessings and guidance every day and always hope that I receive them from you in some way.


#4. Nothing made me more proud than you being my father. You’re gone but I still hope every single day to become the son whom you can be proud of.


#5. You were everything I looked up to, Father, I needed no Guru or role model, you were everything to me. Today, on your 2-year death anniversary, I miss your presence more than anything.


2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes For Mom

#1. It’s been 2 years since my world shattered and crumbled yet I have no words even now to tell someone how empty life feels without you, Mom.

2 Year Death Anniversary Quotes For Mom


#2. On your 2-year death anniversary, in the hope that you’re listening, I want to tell you, I look for you everywhere when in need of guidance, peace, and glimmering hope.


#3. Dear mother, on your 2-year death anniversary, I want to tell you that without your kindness, care, and abundant love, I’d not be someone I can be proud of. Thank you and I miss you.


#4. No touch, no love, no care can be felt as divine as that of the mother. Mother, your death anniversary brings a terrible reminder that I’ve lost that divinity forever.


#5. All I’m today is because of you, Mother, and you not being here with me is a real sorrowful, despairing event of my life. I wish you were here!


Regardless of what time has passed, the grief sits there with you in your heart, and on days like their death anniversary, you realise grieving their loss is a lifelong journey. These 2 year death anniversary quotes won’t make the grieving pain disappear but will give you or your loved ones the strength you need to deal with inner turmoil and help you make peace with the past. In such times, keeping the heart warm and fussy is not feasible but honouring dead loved ones by remembering them with love is mandatory, and you shall never forget that.