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25 Top Be Proud of Yourself Quotes To Celebrate Your Accomplishment

In the modern century, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle culture and difficult to take time out to see how far you’ve come. Below-mentioned proud of myself quotes are the ones you can save to have a look at when you can’t find that motivation to move ahead.

Give yourself a pad on your back and use these quotes as affirmations to take a step back and appreciate your strength, dedication, and hustle that made you go through the hardships of life. Be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. Don’t get so caught up in worldly affairs and competitions that you forget to take pride in who you’re and what you’ve become.25-Top-Be-Proud-of-Yourself-Quotes


Be Proud of Yourself Quotes

#1. For how far you’ve come, be proud of yourself. For how many formidable hurdles you’ve faced, be proud of yourself.

Be Proud of Yourself Quotes


#2. You’ve shed countless layers. Because the teardrops are of hardships, the sun gleams through them to tell you to be proud of yourself and cry happy tears.

Be Proud of Yourself Quotes


#3. Wave goodbye to those blue days and welcome the era of self-love, self-reliance, and self-help. Be proud of yourself and invite joyous days.

Be Proud of Yourself Quotes


#4. You’ve fought many battles and wore warrior spirit even in the times when you didn’t wish to! Be proud of yourself because you’ve shown courage even in times when you couldn’t.

Be Proud of Yourself Quotes


#5. For all those lonely nights you spent with the moon and times when you had yourself only, look back. And be proud of yourself.

Be Proud of Yourself Quotes


#6. You’ve touched the depths of the deepest and darkest sea, and the treasure you’ve come up with is your courage. Don’t give up now, be proud of yourself


#7. You’ve been in constant and silent battles with yourself and as you’re reading this, you’re still winning every day. Be proud of yourself.


#8. You’ve been taking one step at a time when you wish to not do so every morning. Yet you’ve been calming that devil every day to show up for yourself. Be proud of yourself.

Be Proud of Yourself Quotes


#9. Whether aches were physical or emotional or else mental, you’ve been healing them. For deciding to look deep within and do the work every day, be proud of yourself.


#10. You haven’t left the battlefield. You still come each day to the ring to fight your demons. Be proud of yourself.


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Proud of Myself

#1. When you weren’t here to appreciate me and my work, I’ve padded on my back after every small win. And I’m proud of myself for relying on myself.

Proud of Myself


#2. On the days when you couldn’t schedule days on your calendar to celebrate me and my wins, I’ve celebrated myself and nothing makes me more proud of myself than that.


#3. I’ve been healing. In silence, I’ve been screaming but I’ve been healing. I’ve been healing the chaos within me, quieting down the storms and each time I’m coming out stronger and more proud of myself.


#4. I count on myself when I can’t on others. I give myself a pep talk when others don’t. I respect myself when others forget to. And hence, I’m always proud of myself.


#5. I bloom. I breathe in the sun and bloom anyway, every day. I might give up each night but with each sunrise, I become stronger anyway, and I’m proud of myself simply for doing that.


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Quotes About Being Proud of Yourself

#1. Look back. See how much potential you utilized to come so far. Be in the moment but take a second to look back to be proud of yourself for you’ve been on a long journey.

Quotes About Being Proud of Yourself


#2. All the brewing passion and burning desire brought you here today. Be proud of yourself for giving warmth and attention to those passions and desires to make your dreams happen.


#3. You’re allowed to be proud of yourself because you’ve led yourself throughout with your inner light when the outside was still dark. Let those strikes of pride sink in.


#4. Simply because you’ve been keeping on choosing to not fall from grace and hold yourself together, be proud of yourself.


#5. Be proud of the choices you’ve made, the paths you’ve taken, and the people with whom you’ve made amends because you did it from the heart. Be proud of yourself because you’ve been you.


Confidence Be Proud of Yourself Quotes

#1. Be proud of yourself for getting out of your comfort zone. Keep that pride sink in even if you face failures because they’re just the stepping stones leading you to success.

Confidence Be Proud of Yourself Quotes


#2. Hold yourself in high regard with confidence because you show up for yourself every day. Be proud of yourself because you try to be a better person every day.


#3. In case you forgot, you’ve been doing very well. You’ve been taking baby steps each day and that’s enough. Be proud of yourself because you’re still moving.


#4. It doesn’t matter if they validate your efforts or not as long as you wake up every day and look into the mirror and give enough credit that she/he deserves. Be proud of yourself.


#5. You’ve been aligning yourself with your values and then acting accordingly. Be proud of yourself ’cause whether you believe it or not, not most people have the courage to do it.


Hopefully, you felt your blood pumping when you read these proud of myself quotes. The pride here indicates that feeling of knowing how much capable you’re as an individual to come where you’ve come or to be who you’re. As this journey is never an easy one. And you won’t have all your loved ones around you all the time. In such times, you have to be your own cheerleader. And these quotes will help you do so. Save all of them for the times when you need to be proud of yourself.